On this our 28th anniversary October 15, 2022, I am declaring by faith this 12th year of separation will be the last one I have to celebrate separated from my husband Larry.
I declare that the TRUTH will be acknowledged by the new magistrate assigned to his case of the court whose responsibility it is to uphold our protections guaranteed by this nation’s Constitution. And that all deceit, abuse of discretion, and injustice of the trial court will be exposed and create an awareness of the reality of the multitude of others who suffer judicial injustices every.single.day. Crimes deserve to be sentenced according to the law - not sentenced by twisted and manipulated abuse of the laws to reach the desired outcome. I praise God today and every day for my answered prayers for Larry’s faith in Jesus Christ. My “Whatever it takes prayer,” resulted in an uncharacteristic, unbelievable, shocking, and yes - life-threatening event. (Emphasis on a singular event.) God protected me amid satan’s attack on me through his attack on Larry. Whether it was physical, a mental break or a chemical reaction due to newly prescribed medications he had taken, my prayers for Larry were effective. I was no threat until I prayed for Larry’s salvation and essentially told satan, “In the name of Jesus Christ I claim victory for Larry. You (satan) cannot continue distracting and deceiving and denying God access to his heart.” God healed me completely through the doctors and caregivers he gave the wisdom, and talents HE used to do so. Even down to the insignificant regrowth of fingernails that could possibly have never regrown. He provided for our needs through the extraordinary generosity of friends and others, and enabled our son Austin and me to continue to live in the house that his father and I built for our family. God heard my prayers for my family and those who know and love me - not to let confusion, fear, uncertainty or anger poison their souls with unforgiveness. I praise God that it has not. My life and its purpose are by God’s design. Whether I fulfill it, is my choice. I am called to live out this faith He placed in my heart so it may lead others to the love, forgiveness, grace, and mercy of God through His Son Jesus Christ. I cannot know the big picture when my view is limited to this day and any particular event. Perhaps what happened to Larry and me has as much to do with my prayers for him as it has to do with others I have never met. Perhaps it was to show us a world we would have never known otherwise. Perhaps God permitted hearts and minds to be blinded and or deceived, and hardened allowing the shocking injustices to occur for the greater purpose of revealing the reality of what others experience, Every. Single. Day. He removed my ignorance about our judicial system which caused me to assume it was fair and impartial. Perhaps through this one terrible event, God answered my prayers for Larry, for other family members, as well as my ‘Jabez prayer’ - for Him to expand my territory. Perhaps sharing my “Crazy Faith’ (I recently the Transformation Church youtube channel) is what my purpose is. It occurred to me; what if my silence has delayed God’s blessing of restoration and reunion? What if my concern about what others would think is holding me back from doing the very thing God is waiting for me to do… Share what He’s done. Then trust Him with what He plans to do with it. My anniversary gift to us is my obedience to God to share this truth and my testimony of faith. I will no longer stay patient and silent, believing judicial integrity will triumph on its own. I will no longer concern myself with how this truth may impact others - whether they will be skeptical cynics or patronizers who pity me for my ‘foolishness.’ I Corinthians 1:21 In God’s wisdom, he determined that the world wouldn’t come to know him through its wisdom. Instead, God was pleased to save those who believe through the foolishness of preaching. It is now 3:12 in the afternoon. When we married 28 years ago October 15, 1994, right around this same time, it was a day much like it is in 2022. The sun shining, the beautiful blue sky, and all the colorful trees of Fall made it the perfect day. Today, though it appears to be the same perfect day, it is far from perfect when we cannot share it together. …What God has joined.
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Author's NoteThe judicial system has failed me and is failing others like me. Each post will reveal a different instance of our failing system, of violations of law, and violations liberties. If you or a loved one has experienced similar injustice, or if, unlike me, your local local judicial system has served you well, feel free to share your comments. Archives
October 2022
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