Psalm 99:5 Lift up the Eternal our God in your heart;
bow down to the earth where He rests His feet. He is holy, perfect and exalted in His power. (VOICE) Today with Jesus He reminds me through His word, of the magnitude of His Holiness. The world, it seems, has chosen to adopt and focus only on the character of God that is non-threatening. We "believe in" the merciful Father who loves us and His Son Jesus who will "stick closer than a brother." God delights when His children desire a relationship with Him. But Abraham, Moses, and all the other heroes of the faith realized that we should tremble when we consider the Holiness of Almighty God. He is the Creator of the Universe, and everything in it, He crafted by His Hands. The magnitude of this reality should drive us back and to our knees, weeping at the realization of our unworthiness. Our response when we come face to face with His awesome Power and Holiness should be like that of those enjoying a leisurely day at the beach only to look up and see a wall of water soon to overtake them with all the power of the tsunami that formed it. Rising in its presence, they must choose if they will fall in surrender to it or turn and try to run. When we think of our "best friend" He becomes a pal who knows all our flaws and puts up with us in spite of them. We blaspheme God by reducing His Son - the Holy, Sinless Lamb of God, sacrificed for our sin, to little more than a "good bud" who offered to go to bat for us with His dad. May we never confuse our relationship with our Creator with that of our earthly relationships. God extends His grace and love to us because He, alone, has the authority and chooses to do so. Not because he wants to be our pal. Lord help me never to forget the magnitude of Your Holiness, the depth of my depravity, - or the need for the world to know Your Son Jesus.
1 Comment
9/1/2016 10:23:16 pm
Still waiting!!!!!!!
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AuthorMelinda started her fifth year of her devotions reading Oswald Chamber's My Utmost for His Highest. In 2015 she has made the commitment to share what this year's journey. Taking a detour, she began living Every Day With Jesus Archives
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